Welcome to the Community Feedback Tool!

The community input website comment period has closed. If you have questions or comments, please contact the project team at sanpabloave@alamedactc.org.

Community input will help shape designs for San Pablo Avenue improvements!

On this page, you can see proposed designs and provide your feedback for San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, Emeryville, and Berkeley south of Heinz Avenue. You can also help us know whether we are hearing from people throughout the community by filling out a demographic questionnaire. Your responses are anonymous.

Your input is very important to us and we appreciate your time!

If you are unable to load the Community Feedback Tool page, please refresh page or use a different browser. We apologize for any inconveniences.

You can share your thoughts on the project in two ways:

Scroll down below for an interactive map for you to see proposed designs and provide your feedback for San Pablo Avenue in Oakland, Emeryville, and Berkeley south of Heinz Avenue.

To add a comment to the map, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the blue 'Comment' button in the lower right-hand corner of the map.
  2. Use the 'Address Search' bar or click and drag the map to find the location where you want to add your comment.
  3. Click/tap on a specific location on the map to open a comment form.
  4. Select the comment category, then write your comment. You may post anonymously or include a Screen name that other viewers can see. You may also opt to provide an email address, which will remain private.
  5. When finished, select the 'Submit' button.
  6. Repeat these steps for additional comments.

You can also see comments provided by other community members on the map.

To compare proposed improvements with existing conditions, you can turn off the project improvements layer by clicking on the Layers icon () in the top left corner of the map.

+ 2) Fill out this Questionnaire

You can fill out this questionnaire to help us know how you use San Pablo Avenue and help us make sure we're reaching people throughout the community. Responses are anonymous.

Interactive Map Survey

Icons in this legend represent proposed changes unless noted.

  • To see the legend in Spanish and Chinese please scroll down and expand the tabs below.
  • Para ver la leyenda en Español y Chino, desplácese hacia abajo y expanda las pestañas a continuación.
  • 要查看西班牙语和中文的图例,请向下滚动并展开下面的选项卡。

You can filter and hide comment categories by clicking on the Categories button () and toggle of specific category.

You can turn on and off the proposed improvements and view the existing conditions by clicking at the 'Layer' icon () on the top left corner of the Interactive Map Survey, and toggle off the 'Proposed Improvement' layer.

To make a comment on the map using a keyboard or through assistive technologies such as a screenreader, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the blue 'Comment' button in the lower right-hand corner of the map.
  2. Use the 'Address Search' bar or click and drag the map to find the location where you want to add your comment.
  3. Click/tap on a specific location on the map to open a comment form.
  4. Select the comment category, then write your comment. You may post anonymously or include a Screen name that other viewers can see. You may also opt to provide an email address, which will remain private.
  5. When finished, select the 'Submit' button.
  6. Repeat these steps for additional comments.

Alameda CTC reserves the right to remove comments that are disruptive or hateful or that do not otherwise meet the agency’s social media commenting policy.